Socio-Spiritual Direction and Radical Action

We seek to notice the ways the Spirit opens new possibilities for subversive action. Towards that end, we offer our 2-year Spiritual Direction and Social Transformation certificate program, one-on-one Spiritual Direction, Liturgical Direct Action trainings, LGBTQ+ Solidarity Project, and retreats rooted in our Infinity Process.

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Earn Your Certificate in Spiritual Direction!

Spiritual Direction and Social Transformation

Our 2-year, virtual certificate program builds upon existing practice and training, but particularly emphasizes its use as a social, practice. We train spiritual directors and guides whose desire and calling is to discern and give attention to how the Spirit moves to bring liberation in the world.
Our instructors are committed to deepening their engagement with movements and theologies of liberation (including, but not limited to Black, LGBTQ2IA+ [Queer], Indigenous, Womanist, Disability, Worker’s movements, and progressive religious movements).

Whether you’re needing someone to preach, speak at a conference or lead a weekend retreat, we are able to help. To find out more, contact us here.

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The Infinity Process

Our infinity Process exists to help individuals and organizations unearth the toxic myths and ideas that go unrecognized. You can learn more here.